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Starting Science

PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 1:02 pm
by sxk1693
Im a freshman this year. Any tips...

Re: Starting Science

PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 4:50 pm
by FabensMath
Learn to retain EVERYTHING from this year on. Biology, read a textbook. Chemistry, i don't know how to study. Physics, go over the # videos that MIT provides.

Re: Starting Science

PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 4:57 pm
by nsguy1350
Make sure you don't forget any biology! Study it hard, and make sure you don't get rusty. Our Science team has been killed by forgetting biology, and I hope I don't forget much too! ... fall-1999/ is the MIT Open Courseware for Physics, but you can find math/chemistry/etc. on there as well. THe lectures are about 50 min each, and are pretty good.

Re: Starting Science

PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 5:19 pm
by FabensMath
Why is the word on line(together) censored?

Re: Starting Science

PostPosted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 11:27 pm
by le cool cat
yeah. biology is really important. even if it's just freshmen biology. i mean our team isn't that hurt by it because our chemistry program is really strong, and we can still bring up good scores, but we could be better if we didn't have to have seniors in AP bio to bring up our scores. i can usually finish chemistry with at most 2 missed, and answer about 15 physics, depending on how well i read the book. Bio is EXTREMELY variable because sometimes it'll be questions i remember, and sometimes it'll be questions i can't. i've scored in the single digits, but i've also scored higher in bio than physics. so bio is a must remember. even if you only remember freshmen stuff, it's better than an 8. -_-

the book questions in physics are up for grabs for anyone. with physics experience or not. just read the book. simple. the chapters for which the specific test will be posted #. ie, Inv a is usually over the first x chapters, then b is the next, then district is the next x chapters etc.

chemistry by the opinion of everyone on my team, is the easiest to get perfect. i'm not saying it's easy, but bio has those stupid human history questions, physics has an extremely broad range of topics, ie: everyone at my school does physics c and the topics covered on uil are physics b.

Re: Starting Science

PostPosted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 7:30 pm
by sxk1693
Well I got a 128. Before I start feeling proud I need to know if the 2008 Invitational B test on this site is easier than average. The Bio questions did not look foreign and I knew some of the physics and chemistry questions. I would have been able to answer more questions in the chem portion if I had been able to retain all my knowledge from last year. If only I knew what a mole was.

Re: Starting Science

PostPosted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 7:31 pm
by sxk1693
Oh and i got 13/16 biology,
6/6 chemistry,
4/6 physics